‘Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends’ John 15:13
“When the Bible tells us that ‘God is love’ it isn’t saying God automatically endorses everything we think is love; it means God knows far more about love than we do and that we need to come to him to learn how to love one another truly and well. I am grateful for this declaration and all it does to bring much-needed clarity to such a confused area of discussion today, and heartily commend it.”

Revd Sam Allberry
Christian Author and Pastor, Immanuel Nashville“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful…” The apostle Paul’s sublime description reminds us that love has its counterfeits – that cheap lookalikes exist, and are sold on every street corner. In an age of self-gratification, the Declaration reminds us that the distinguishing feature of true love is self-sacrifice.

Jonathan P Winch
Executive Director, Westminster Seminary UK“How thrilling it is to see faithful pastors up and down the country proclaiming boldly the good news of Jesus. Jesus teaches us that to truly love is to speak the truth with tender hearts.
Biblical teaching on how we are made and what we are made for sets us free in every area of life including the cultural contests of our generation. To speak God’s identity and purpose and his place for sexual expression within marriage is to speak life and wholeness to a nation that is lost in confusion and searching for the clarity that only the gospel can give. Thank you pastors.”

Andrea Williams
Director of Christian Concern“This declaration is a biblical and pastoral statement of the church’s teaching on sexual ethics, but much more than that, it is an affirmation of the nature of Christian – Christ-like – love, which is self-giving and self-sacrificing. I encourage all church leaders and Christian ministers to give their public commitment to this declaration.”

Dr Ros Clarke
Associate Director, Church Society“The Bible, through its central character Jesus Christ, offers the greatest vision for life the world will ever know. In every generation, Christians must rediscover the Good News it presents and commend its vision to a world in need, contending for its truth in the debates of the day. In our own day, the challenge is in the area of human identity and relationships. The Greater Love Declaration offers a presentation of biblical conviction around which our generation of Christians can unite as we seek to serve our Lord in the present age.”

Rev. Dr David A. Hull
Chair, Methodist Evangelicals Together“Love is not love if it downplays or ignores inconvenient or unpopular truths. Because the truth spoken in love is good for us. Knowledge of the truth—reality as it really is—and willing embrace of that God-given reality, is the only thing that can set us free to flourish as people and as societies. This is as true in relation to marriage, sex and identity as it is in every other aspect of our common life. I endorse the Greater Love Declaration, because it states the loving truth about reality as God has made it known in Jesus Christ.”

Revd Matthew Mason
Tutor in Christian Ethics, The Pastors’ Academy, and Director, Crosslands Forum Cultivate Programme“The concept of ‘greater love’ brings out the superlative quality of marriage between men and women. The gift and challenge of pouring our love and commitment to one partner for life helps kill our selfish tendencies as well as cultivate a spirit of self-giving. Far from being an outdated restriction, God’s gift of marriage is liberating and energising. It is hard work but who says hard work is bad?”

Revd David Meredith
Mission Director, Free Church of Scotland“Everything about Jesus is good news. He revealed authentic humanity through a life of celibacy. He is the reality to which marriage points, because he is the Bridegroom and the Church is the Bride. It is no surprise that Christians believe that matters of marriage and sexuality are important for ourselves and for society. The Greater Love Declaration expresses the goodness of God’s truth about marriage and sexuality, which is why I have signed it and commend it to others.”

Revd Tim Vasby-Burnie
Vicar of St George of Cappadocia, Shrewsbury“Many different forms of human relationships exist in our free and liberal democracy. But “real marriage” describes the thing that only one man and one woman can do. The international body of evidence is quite clear about its positive impact on children, adults, the economy and wider society. It produces the best version of the next generation. At population level, nothing compares, not even close. That’s why C4M endorse the positive message of the Greater Love Declaration’s support of real marriage.”

Tony Rucinski
Director of Supporter Strategy, Coalition for Marriage“This is a clear and pastorally warm statement of God’s good design for human flourishing in marriage and sexuality, now as in all ages and cultures. It is vital that the church takes hold of the biblical teaching expressed in this declaration; out of love and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ, out of love for others and for the good of society. I wholeheartedly commend this declaration.”

Revd Dr Thomas Brand
Ministry Director, Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches and chairman of the Affinity Council“The fundamental premises of traditional Christian sexual morality are nowadays increasingly misunderstood, and I am pleased to support this declaration, which seeks to clarify them. In particular, I welcome the emphasis on the self-sacrifice required of all Christians, and not just those who identify as members of sexual minorities”