‘Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends’ John 15:13

Greater Love Conference
Our conference for Church Leaders, Clergy, Pastoral Workers on marriage, sex and identity took place in East London Tabernacle on Wednesday November 16th 2022.
Speakers included:
Revd Dr Ian Paul
Has the Church been consistent in its teaching on marriage and sex?
Dr Julie Maxwell
Damaged childhood: how children are being harmed by early sexualisation.
Revd Dr Matthew Roberts
Is love actually love? Jesus’ definition of love, and its radical message for sex, family & society.
Register to attend
There are currently no forthcoming events to register for. Those who have signed the Declaration will be updated when new events are announced.

Greater Love Launch Event
The Greater Love Declaration was officially launched on Tuesday 18th October.
Several of the authors introduced the Declaration and what lies behind it; and why Christian teaching in this area remains more relevant, and more needed, than ever.
The launch event was live streamed on our facebook page. More content from the launch is available here.