Write to your MP

Write to your MP about proposals to outlaw ‘conversion practices’
An amendment to outlaw ‘conversion practices’ has been tabled for the Government’s Criminal Justice Bill.
Called ‘New Clause 90’, it is dangerously worded so that it could criminalise ordinary church practices.
A ‘conversion therapy’ law is often proffered as a means of ending abuse against those who say they are LGBT. And, of course, we all thoroughly agree that no one should be abused. But UK law already tackles genuinely abusive practices.
Instead, those calling for a ban say it must cover prayer and pastoral care – essential parts of Christian ministry. This highlights the serious risk that a ban would criminalise Christians who uphold the Bible’s teaching on marriage, sex and identity.
It is vital that MPs strongly oppose this, and any other amendments, on ‘conversion practices’.
Would you, or your church, be willing to write to your MP, urging them to reject it?

Writing Guide
How to contact your MP:
- You can find out who your MP is and email them directly with this online tool. If you’d prefer to send a normal email or postal letter, find their name and contact details here.
- Tell your MP you are a constituent and include your own postal address if possible.
- Keep your letter brief and polite. It is important to write in your own words. Use two or three of the points below to help.
- You could explain that your vote could be affected by the issue.
Make two or three of the following points:
- Abuse and coercion are already illegal in the UK. There is no need for new legislation.
- New Clause 90 on the Criminal Justice Bill could be understood as talking more about ‘conversion’ than about ‘therapy’. Becoming a Christian always means changing how we live, though never through force.
- Becoming a Christian has an impact on absolutely every area of your life. But a law on ‘conversion practices’ would say some aspects are off-limits.
- A similar ‘conversion therapy’ law in Victoria, Australia, says that “not affirming someone’s gender identity” is now illegal, as is a parent refusing to support their child receiving puberty blockers. Would they really back such a controversial law here?
- Parents should be encouraged to help their children feel comfortable in their own bodies. This is especially important in teenage years. This law is likely to do the opposite.
- Christian teaching on marriage, sex and identity is very good for society: for children, for women, and for everyone. This law could see such biblical teaching branded as abuse.